Playing God... again
So a lot changes at the moment, in just a few days. We spent most of the day today at the hospital for a lineup of appointments… scan, midwi
Resorting to 2-year-old tactics
I’ve been on the verge of tears or in tears for a week now. I write, and then you write back, and that’s when I burst. Maybe it’s the...
5 strange things you never expected to be thinking about when pregnant…
There are some weird and worrying thoughts that cross your mind when you’re walking towards losing a baby. Some things are just plain awful
Making progress: 30 weeks
Things are getting real now. I’m almost 30 weeks pregnant, which means there’s pretty much 7 weeks to go (if things go to Type 1 diabetes...
Be still my soul
I've had my head in hymns for the past month as we've been organising a hymn service at church... But this one's been knocking around in...
Finding a balance between hope and reality
There’s this strange space you enter when you’ve been given pretty hard and fast evidence that your baby is not going to live. ...
Making progress: 26 weeks
Time for an update… people have been asking. I’m now about 12 weeks away from delivery (if baby goes to term). Because I’m Type 1...
Sharing not so happy news
In the last few weeks it's felt like life moves on for everyone else, but it’s staying dead still for us. There is no excitement in...
Why write?
Every inclination in me did not want to write this blog. I’ve read these grief blogs before. A LOT. All in trying to prepare myself for a...